Spring Cleanse! Why You Need This!
Ahh Spring; the time for fresh new life to bud and blossom, the time to clear out winter sluggishness, and the time to be bombarded by pressure to do a spring cleanse of some sort or other. There is a very good reason why one sees so many advertisements for detox programs in the spring. Spring is the natural cleansing time. Spring’s melting snow and rain wash the earth and encourage new growth. The warming temperatures tempt all creatures out of the stillness of winter and into detoxifying movement.
It’s amazing how accommodating Spring is for the cleansing process. Every year it never fails to send up tender detoxifying greens for us to eat, along with energizing roots to deeply cleanse and nourish our systems.
People always used to cleanse naturally this time of year, because they depended directly on the land for food. Not only are the foods that grow in the spring natural detoxifiers and body builders, but they encouraged our ancestors to move their bodies in the gathering and planting of spring's bounty. People had no choice but to naturally fall into an ancient rhythm that supplied what they needed for optimum health.
Today things are a little different. People can make themselves the same thing to eat day in and day out, no matter what the season.
A lot of people do just that and then wonder why they are achy, or feel sluggish and heavy, foggy headed, fatigued, depressed, or suddenly have to deal with health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, allergies, inflammation, autoimmunity, etc... Even those who vary their foods somewhat often end up choosing foods that seem easiest and convenient due to the frantic pace our society promotes. These foods are typically more processed, less fresh, and devoid of life force, and even those who make a concerted effort to eat good fresh wholesome foods find that by the end of the winter the food options are heavy, and lack vitality, causing many of the above mentioned, unwanted effects.
That is why the ancient science of Ayurveda, (the first comprehensive health system developed in the world from which all the other known health systems derive) has recommended for millennia that everyone do a major spring cleanse. For more on Ayurveda and cleansing click here.
Sound Daunting? Don't worry, the annual Healing Earth Studio Spring Yoga & Juice Feast Challenge, April 15 - May 13, can be a great help.
First of all, it will get you up and moving with thirty straight days in a row of 5:30 A.M. yoga. Early morning is the ideal time for this relaxing ,strengthening, and detoxifying ancient practice.
In addition to daily yoga, the program also offers you your own personal food and fresh juice plan, because when it comes to cleansing the body, one plan does not fit all.
Not everyone needs the same foods or needs to eliminate the same foods because every body is different. During the cleanse we meet, in person or via phone or computer, at the beginning of each of the four weeks of the program to map out exactly what foods and supplements (if any) are right for you on each of the thirty days. It's your own individual program, within the support of a group.
So you don’t live in the greater Lenhartsville Pennsylvania area and want to join from a distance? With a good internet connection you can join the morning yoga and do personal meetings via telephone or zoom. Don’t know what zoom is? Don’t worry, if you have internet, and chances are you do because you are reading this, you’ll be fine. We can set you up to see the classes live via computer, iPad or smart phone.
This is truly a life changing experience and it fills quickly so don't hesitate to save your spot!
Cost - $325 or $315 if registered and paid by April 1.
For more info click here
Phone or text: 610-756-6770
Email: healingearthstudio@gmail.com